
Survey for the Temporary Foreign Worker Program

Good day, As part of the commitments made in The Path Forward Plan for the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program, the TFW Program is currently conducting reviews of the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) service standards and processing fee. These reviews are being undertaken with a view to increasing the speed and efficiency of service…

Upcoming tourism events in your region, hosted by your DMO

Check out the following regional tourism events hosted by your local DMO this fall. Go Western Newfoundland Tourism opportunities sessions, Annual General Meeting, Luncheon and Silent Auction – click here for details! Legendary Coasts of Eastern Newfoundland Annual General Meeting, luncheon and tourism opportunities sessions – click here for details! Destination Labrador Annual General Meeting…

News from Destination Canada

A case study in partnership: Inspiring millennials to explore Canada – In 2016, Destination Canada launched the Millennial Travel Program with Bell Media and 21 industry partners – a massive bilingual content campaign that would challenge Canadian millennials to explore Canada’s urban backstreets, communal hubs and rugged trails, and to create their own experiences along…

Hospitality NL announces 2018 recipients of Silver Anniversary Scholarship

September 12, 2018 – Hospitality NL is pleased to announce the 2018 recipients of the Silver Anniversary Scholarship are Sarah Keough and Marc Lewis. “Each year, Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador is fortunate to receive scholarship applications from plenty of qualified candidates,” says Hospitality NL Chair, Larry Laite. “It is truly a joy to learn of…

Request for Proposals: Event Management of Atlantic Canada Showcase 2019

On behalf of the Atlantic Canada Tourism Caucus, Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador is requesting proposals from either one company or individual(s) to provide event management services for Atlantic Canada Showcase 2019. Atlantic Canada Showcase is a Buyer seated marketplace designed especially for the motorcoach, group, F.I.T. and specialty travel industry. It will be held in…

Take Action: Roadmap to a Modern Framework for Regulating Short-Term Rentals

Accommodations Industry Releases Best Practice Guidelines for Canadian Regulators (ST. JOHN’S, NL) August 16, 2018 – Today, Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador, in partnership with the Hotel Association of Canada (HAC), released best practice guidelines for regulating short-term rentals. Governments at all levels are grappling with the implications of the growing short-term rental industry and platforms…

Immigration Engagement Session in St. John’s – July 25, 2018

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador recognizes immigration as a driver of economic development, innovation, and increased diversity. The Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism will be hosting an engagement session at Admiral’s Green Clubhouse, Pippy Park, St. John’s, on Wednesday, July 25, 2018, from 8:00am to 11:30am. Breakfast will be served at 8:00am, followed by…

What Does Terra Nova National Park Mean To You?

In 2018, Parks Canada is updating the Terra Nova National Park Management Plan. A national park’s management plan guides decision making and is an important opportunity to celebrate past successes, re-evaluate goals and create new strategies for the future. We invite you to share your thoughts and ideas on the future of this important place.…

News from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Industry & Innovation

2016 Exit Survey Results In 2016, the Department of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation conducted a survey with non-resident visitors to the province to update visitor profiles. Survey results show that Newfoundland and Labrador welcomed visitors from across the globe, with Ontario (34%) remaining the primary market and vacation the prevailing purpose for visiting (34%).…


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