
Climate Change Project Tourism Beyond COVID-19 – Climate Change Adaptation

Project Scope:

Climate changes projections for Newfoundland and Labrador show significant changes by mid-century and beyond, including warmer, wetter, and stormier weather conditions across the province. Extreme precipitation and weather events are also expected to increase in both frequency and intensity. The compound of theses changes will pose wide and varied impacts to key economic sectors, but also present new opportunities. It is important to enhance understanding of these impacts and to identify specific risks and risk mitigation measures to ensure to the Tourism sector in Newfoundland and Labrador is resilient to a changing climate.

In partnership with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation, Hospitality NL will lead a three-year project with the support from the Climate Change Branch, to increase education and awareness in the sector regarding the effects of climate changes will have on the industry and to also assist business and attraction operators identify risks and develop mitigation measures for their businesses and regions.

Project Goals:

Through research, education and awareness, the project will enhance the understanding of the impacts of climate change and why this is important to the tourism sector. The project will centre around the impacts of climate change on the outfitting, marine based tourism experiences and winter tourism.

Following the initial research phase of the project, the partners will engage with industry to share the results of the findings through, webinars, presentations, conference sessions, communiques to members, information packages and learning resources.


Impact on Tourism

Advocacy & Awareness


Action Plan


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