
Strategic Direction #3

Strategic Direction #3
Market Intelligence & Research Strategy

The availability of timely tourism research is paramount for the advancement of the tourism industry. As more and more tourism operators professionalize their businesses, research is needed to build business cases for entry, expansion and renovation, as well as for succession planning that will ensure the strength of the industry remains for the long term.

Since the inception of the Vision in 2009, the tourism research division of the Department of Business, Tourism, Culture and Rural Development has produced a great deal of research and has helped the industry learn more with each release. As we move closer to the 2020 goal, it is important that the research be as specific and relevant to tourism operators as possible so that the most gains can be produced.

There are also research partnerships that can be achieved by working with Tourism Board partners and other stakeholders. Various entities have a research capacity that are not currently aligned with or realized for the Vision. By taking advantage of existing opportunities, further research capacities may be discovered. Further utilizing partnerships to complement the provincial research strategy will help produce additional information that is relevant for operators and Tourism Board partners. In addition, extra efforts to ensure the interpretation and communication of research will enable industry and government alike to assess where investments should be made, and meets visitor needs to support future growth.


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