
Silver Anniversary Scholarship

Silver Anniversary Scholarship

Established in 2008 for Hospitality NL’s 25th anniversary year, the Silver Anniversary Scholarship is generously supported by the Boone family and the Sparkes family, two families with a long tradition of innovation and leadership within the tourism community.


Applications for the 2017 Silver Anniversary Scholarship must be submitted no later than 3:00 pm on Friday, August 11, 2017. To access the application form and all application criteria, please click the following link:

*Please save application to your computer before completing the fields*
Download Application

Presented annually to two deserving students, the Scholarship was established to assist the recipients with their pursuit of post-secondary education. Proudly supported by the Boone Family and the Sparkes Family, two scholarships in the amount of $1,500.00 each are available for the academic year beginning September 2017.


To be considered, scholarship candidates must be:

  • A dependent* or employee of a Hospitality NL member organization in good standing.
  • Either a graduate of a Newfoundland and Labrador high school in the current calendar year, or a returning student, enrolled in a recognized post-secondary program or institution either within or outside of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Candidates must also complete and submit the scholarship application form as well as a 300-500 word essay and submit all supporting documents.

* Dependant is defined as a person who is financially supported by a Hospitality NL member in the following situations:

  • Financially supported by an employee working in a member business
  • Financially supported by the owner/operator of a member business

The applications of candidates meeting the above considerations will be forwarded to the selection committee. Applications are weighed on a number of factors including:

  • Educational goals and direction
  • Academic performance
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Community involvement
  • Quality and content of essay
Past recipients

2016: Emily Chislett and Joshua Lehr
2015: Julie Goudie and Cecily Parsons
2014: Terra Barrett and Luke Norman Parsons
2013: Tania Heath and Kristen Peckford
2012: Whitney Sharpe and Toni Kearney
2011: Megan Laite and Shardi Janes
2010: Theoren Goosney and Michaela Jacobs
2009: Nicole Alexander and Sarah Murphy
2008: Marieke Gow and Shaundel Leamon


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