Providing quality service/professionalism online module

Front-line employees are the face of every tourism and hospitality business, and the service they provide to guests can be the difference between good or great customer experiences. Their performance may determine whether a guest will return and pass on positive reviews and referrals to others, or leave disappointed and generate bad publicity for the business.

Designed for training front-line tourism and hospitality employees, this online learning module from emeritProviding Quality Service, is perfect training for new hires and is a great refresher for experienced front-line staff.

The online learning module is made up of five major sections:

  • Getting Started: includes an introduction to the module and learning objectives.
  • Making a Great Impression: includes sections on Choosing a Winning Attitude, Maintaining a Professional Appearance, Communicating Clearly, Using Telephone Etiquette, Using Email Etiquette
  • Building Positive Relationships: includes sections on Working with Others, Ensuring Customer Satisfaction, Responding to Customer Concerns, Dealing with Challenging Situations, Protecting Privacy
  • Managing Yourself and Your Work: includes sections on Following Policies and Procedures, Complying with Legislation, Managing Your Time, Adapting to Change, Keeping Up to Date, Increasing Your Tourism Knowledge, Operating Office Equipment
  • Checking Your Learning:  includes exercises and review questions on all of the material covered in the online learning.

Make sure that your business makes a great first impression and exceeds guests’ expectations by training front-line staff to deliver exceptional customer service and present a consistently professional image to guests.

Visit to learn more about our training resources for tourism and hospitality occupations, contact Juanita Ford at or 709-722-2000 ext. 226.