Charting a Course Forward 2022-2026
Industry Feedback Portal
As the work to help tourism businesses and attractions in the Province navigate the turbulent waters brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic continues, today, we are announcing a new, enhanced and coordinated series of activities designed to chart a new course towards sustainability and success. Those who lead tourism destination management, marketing, skills & knowledge development, and advocacy for the Tourism Industry in Newfoundland and Labrador, along with a group of tourism industry leaders, have embarked on a coordinated effort to ensure the Province’s tourism Industry not only recovers but rebounds to new heights over the long-term.
To ensure that we collect all your feedback, this portal has been established to secure stakeholder perspectives that will help inform identified actions from all of these recovery activities. Please complete the form below to submit your comments and feedback. Thank you for your interest and your input is vital to the rebuilding of the Tourism Industry in Newfoundland and Labrador.