In order to take the Responsible Alcohol Server test, you must follow these steps:
- Review all course content by clicking on the Program Content above.
- Purchase the test access code using the form below. Please have a valid credit card available to complete your purchase.
- Check your email for an access code. These will be processed and sent to you during regular business hours: Monday to Friday. 9:00am – 4:30pm.
- Once you have your code, and have reviewed all study material on the Program Content page, select Take the Test. You will be asked to enter your code before accessing the test.
- PLEASE NOTE: EACH CODE CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE. Do not close your browser or navigate away from the test. After you start your test, you must finish it in the same session. If you do not complete the test, or if you do not obtain a pass mark, you must purchase another code to take the test again.
- You will need a 75% or higher to receive your certification. Successful certificates will be sent via email during regular business hours: Monday to Friday. 9:00am – 4:30pm.