emerit® Event Coordinator Professional Certification

Employers know they need to maintain an excellent reputation for managing successful events so they can continue renting their facilities profitably. A skilled Event Coordinator can be the difference between a hit and a flop.

emerit® trained Event Coordinators are able to bring together all the little details that create an unforgettable event experience. The self-study emerit® training program will teach you leadership, marketing execution, and interpersonal skills to bring everything together to present a seamless experience to customers.

Event coordinators generally have a passion and enthusiasm for working with people. emerit® harnesses that energy and adds the broad range of multidisciplinary skills from human resources to budget management needed to excel in a fast paced environment.

The Event Coordinator program includes the following modules:

  • Administration
  • Event Co-ordination
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Marketing Plan
  • Implementation
  • Human Resources Co-ordination
  • Professionalism

Industry-forged emerit® training embodies the collective expertise of Event Coordinators and industry leaders across Canada. Take pride in your work; get emerit® Event Coordinator training to acquire the skills, and certification to gain the recognition. When you complete the certification process, you will be awarded the Tourism Certified Professional (TCP) designation.

For more information, contact Hospitality NL’s Manager of Workforce & Industry Development, Juanita Ford, or visit http://emerit.ca/category/event-coordinator.